The Tipsy Beekeeper is the organic growth of my want, as a mother, to reduce the daily dependence on antihistamine of our little boy with his pollen allergies. The “Eureka” moment happened at the end of 2019, reading an article about how consuming local honey from within a 3-5 mile radius of your home can dramatically reduce pollen allergies, hay-fever and how honey is one of the most faked foods globally! My journey into beekeeping began, consuming book after book to prepare myself for when my first colony of bees arrived. That first small harvest in August 2021 was pure gold for me, providing something for our son in its purest form. This steadily grew to where a brand name needed to be thought up, and The Tipsy Beekeeper was born. Registering my business on Google caused an influx of calls from members of the public in distress, caused by swarms of bees in their gardens. I love swarm collecting and the genuine thanks of those I help. Currently I am supporting markets in the surrounding villages, sharing my local produce. The first market was a poignant “this feels right” moment and to be able to tell customers about the honeys and where they are from - people loved it.
Choose from one of our trusted, hand picked locations around Norfolk to find your very own jar of The Tipsy Beekeeper Honey!
Click on a location below to view it on your map and get directions!